Here’s the real TL:DR; on this opinion piece….
“I’m deeply insecure and totally codependent on my partner’s actions and behaviors to feel secure in a relationship, to the point that I must monopolize the overwhelming majority of their time and attention, at the expense of all other meaningful human connections they or I might have, especially with those who might be viewed as romantic “competition”.
And I will rationalize this jealousy and scarcity anxiety—not as predictable outcomes of this level of codependency and insecurity—but as some sort of unchangeable, inevitable affliction we must build our lives around.
And then I will accordingly project my insecure attachment style and codependent traits onto society at large and self-righteously proselytize for 1000 words about it on social media, without any reputable facts or sources, other than my own myopic, insecure worldview.”
Yeah, that about sums it up.