Is everything ok at home? I mean: Who hurt you?
Most of your arguments against marriage are also arguments against engaging in long-term cohabitating relationships — most of which end in breakups. Everyone I know who is married has an open marriage with a custom contract they wrote themselves, so marriage and relationships have already evolved, and will continue to.
Lastly, if you want to flit from partner to partner every three years once the oxytocin and dopamine of being “in love” wear off, that’s your prerogative. But a lot of us know that one of the sweetest and most rewarding parts of life is after the honeymoon is over—being and having a ride-or-die life teammate, and understanding that real love is in what you do, not necessarily how you feel.
Healthy relationships require collaboration, interdependence and compromise. If you want total freedom, stay single. I do hope you get some help with that avoidant attachment…