While he did nothing morally, legally or ethically wrong in stating his rules and dealbreakers in relationship, and while he was certainly not holding a gun to her head forcing her to quit her job, he is guilty of being an insecure douche who made the mistake of issuing a sad. late ultimatum to someone obviously deeply incompatible from the start.
People who can't control their own emotions will always try to control other's actions.
He made up these rules only after he felt the insecurity and jealousy of having a girlfriend who gets a lot of attention for her body in a swimsuit. Not all men would feel the same way. In fact, a lot of men are not threatened at all by any opposite gender socializing and friendships that their girlfriends/wives partake in. A lot of men date/marry athletes, models and beauty queens and don't feel threatened by it.
It's weird and creepy to want to control who your partner's friends are or what they wear, frankly. You either trust your partner or you don't. You're either secure or you're not. Jonah Hill is decidedly NOT.