You really need to get out and socialize in non-dating settings, and just talk to real people.
In my world, MOST of the women around me make more than their partners, and often the lower-earning dad stayed at home with their kids for at least a couple years because it made the most sense financially. One of my friends is 6' 5". We call her "Redwood." Her husband is 5'9". They have 4 kids he stays home with. Another is 6'0" and her husband is 5'10". She is also the breadwinner in that family, but their kids are grown.
We breadwinning women do not consider ourselves "settling" in the least. We have bonded and built lives with good men, good companions, good teammates, who just happen to earn less. The single women in my life are also not looking for big earners; they just want partners like we have: TEAMMATES.
Hypergamy—I'm convinced by just looking all around my real life—is just a divisive internet meme that only has a scintilla of relevance to upper-middle class, American 20-somethings.